Free online testing tools for your website [Updated for 2020] 🔬

Save this one to your bookmarks! This is a living blog post which will be updated as I receive & discover new recommendations. 👨🏼‍💻 23 Best Free Website Testing Tools 2020 Jump to Section Website Speed & Performance Testing Tools […]

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Adam Greenough · 22nd January 2020 · Filed under ,

The XY Problem

I recently came across the name for a phenomenon that I have been aware of for some time. It’s called the ‘XY problem’. Wikipedia has a great succinct explanation: The XY problem is a communication problem encountered in help desk and similar situations in […]

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Adam Greenough · 8th November 2019 · Filed under ,

Hello world! 👋🏻

Hello again, world! I’ve moved my personal site back to WordPress along with a pretty funky (if I may say so myself), completely handcoded from scratch redesign. The goal of my new website is to provide a better platform for […]

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Adam Greenough · 4th June 2019 · Filed under