Hello! My name’s Adam 👋🏻

Since I first laid my hands on a computer I have been fascinated with the unlimited potential for creativity, communication and change that the world wide web offered. I built my first website with my father age 7 and I’ve not stopped learning since.

As a digital native, I have always been fascinated by the limitless possibilities of the internet. I aspire to use my passion for the medium to be a part of something that changes the world for the better.

My first solo web project was a community fansite for a certain Finnish social network/game that I first launched at age 13 that peaked at around 1000 users. There was a surprisingly large community of fledgling designers and developers here and I can point to this experience as the launch pad for my career in web technology. My first paying clients were creating pixel art and coding PSD to HTML for other sites in the community.

At age 15 I set-up a mini studio offering web design & development to micro & small businesses in the ‘real world’ internationally.

Now, at 24 years young, I freelance independently working with awesome clients big and small right across the world.

When I’m not working, you might be able to find me losing balls on a golf course, making noise on the piano or at sea ordering obscene amounts of breakfast food on a cruise.

I am available for new freelance projects ⟶

From the Blog

Check out my blog for occasional notes and articles on things I've learned, projects I've been working on and thoughts on hot topics.

You can also see my now page to see what I am working on currently.

Read all blog posts ⟶

Free online testing tools for your website [Updated for 2020] 🔬

22nd January 2020 · Filed under Featured, Webmaster

The XY Problem

8th November 2019 · Filed under Business, Notes

Hello world! 👋🏻

4th June 2019 · Filed under Uncategorised